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Delivery Policy

We know when you purchase a Star Citizen Ship or item, you want the item as soon as possible. That's why we work tirelessly to get you your item as soon as possible. We guarantee delivery within 24 hours of you placing your order but most of our orders get delivered much quicker than that, in under 5 hours. If you wish, you can always join our discord , and ask any staff member what the current delivery times are for the item you're interested in. If we're online, most of the time we can get you your item in under 20 minutes.

Please note that we send your item to email collected by our site/Paypal in the checkout process. Once we deliver an item, you'll get a email with the subject "Someone sent you a gift from Robert Space Industries". Open that email up and you will find a button that says "Claim Gift", click that link to claim your item and enjoy!